What on earth is this all about?

Good question, and not one to which I have an answer. I’ve started this as a home for various bits of writing which have not made it into books, which are still bothering me despite having made it into books and some new stuff which will be being rehearsed here first. Plus I may well excavate some of the more interesting thoughts from the now rather unloved and unsearchable Quad Royal archives to give them an afterlife here.

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Well the main reason is that I am not making any promises about what might appear here, never mind the intervals at which they might turn up. So if you subscribe, these thoughts and articles will at least come and make their appearance known by email.

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A miscellany of things, including but not exclusively women in the English landscape, old roads, and post-war graphic design. Right now, mostly me shouting at stately homes.


Writer, campaigner, vintage poster tsarina. How women and girls are kept out of both urban spaces and nature; the ridiculousness of stately homes.